282/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Scrotal Ablation in African Boer - A Case Report
R.V.Suryawanshi, Gauri Ubhare, A.H.Ulemale and P.B.ChogaleDepartment of Surgery and Radiology, KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal-412801, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2020 : 97 (09) - pages 27 to 28(Received: July, 2019, Accepted: August, 2021)
The present paper reports about chronic orchitis due to faulty castration method leading to scrotal fibrosis and its management by scrotal ablation in African Boer.
Key Words: scrotal ablation in African Boer