10/21 | Clinical & Field Article | Wild Life Sciences
Poisoning in Cattle by Tetramelesnudiflora (False Hemp Tree) in Wayanad District, Kerala- A Case Report
P.M.Deepa, C.V.Rajani, K.S.Raghavan and M.PradeepCollege of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala – 673576.
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2020 : 97 (09) - pages 34 to 36(Received: February, 2021, Accepted: August, 2021)
Forests constitute an integral part of the social life of tribal groups who depends on forest produce for their livelihood. Pulppally region of Wayanad district chiefly consists of tribal people who rely on forest plants for feeding their livestock especially during drought or scarcity of fodder. This study reports Tetrameles nudiflora (false hemp tree, Cheeni in Malayalam ) intoxication and its management in a cattle farm in Pulppally, Wayanad. The owner reported that he had given leaves of nudilfora plant from nearby forest to feed the cattle because of scarcity of green fodder. Two cows and one calf had ingested leaves of this tree and the calf died on next day. The cows exhibited clinical signs of watery diarrhoea, foamysalivation, frequent urination, dehydration and were recumbent. The clinical parameters include subnormal temperature, rapid and weak pulse, pale yellowish mucus membrane and tachyponea. The cows were treated with activated charcoal (1g/kg as slurry in water), fluids, atropine sulphate @ 1mg/kg, vitamin B complex and antihistamines. One cow died in spite of the treatment. The other cow showed uneventful recovery. Autopsy revealed enlargement of liver, spleen and kidney and haemorrhages in serous membranes. On histopathology, liver showed perivascular infiltration, focal areas of degeneration of hepatocytes, thickening of bile ducts. Kidney exhibited interstitial haemorrahge, degeneration and desquamation of epithelium in the Bowman’s capsule and ducts. In
Key Words: cattle, plantpoisoning, nudiflora