64/20 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Parasitology

Management of Lice Infestation in a Calf with Ethno-Veterinary Based Preparation: A Case Study

D.Divyalakshmi, N. Kumaravelu, S.Usha and P.Tensingh Gnanaraj

Department of Livestock Production Management, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-600 007, Tamil Nadu

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal July 2020: 97 (7) - pages 37 to 38
(Received: February, 2020, Accepted: March, 2020)


Lice infestation caused by Ligonathus vituli is a very common and widespread problem in livestock. Lice can be suspected when calf show signs of rubbing. Rubbing causes hair loss which is commonly seen on the neck, shoulders and rump areas and is generally more severe than seasonal shedding of winter coat. Due to the continuous use of organo-phosphorus and pyrethroid compounds, there is decreased efficacy because of development of resistance. To overcome this ill-effect, ethno veterinary medicine (EVM) based preparation using common herbs was tried. This was applied daily for one week. After one week improvement was observed in the absence of adult lice and nymphal stages. The skin and hair condition started to improve after this EVM application

Key Words: calf, lice infestation, Ethno-veterinary medicine

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