71/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Multiple Coenurus Cysts in Kids – A Clinical Report
A.R.Ninu, S. Dharmaceelan, D.Vishnugurubaran, S.Kokila, K.Dhandapani and T.AnnaDepartment of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, (TANUVAS), Tirunelveli– 627 358, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal August 2019 : 96 (8) - pages 69 to 70(Received: March, 2019, Accepted: April, 2019)
Five months old two female kids were brought to the Veterinary Clinical Complex with a history of multiple swellings in various parts of the body since 2 months of age. The number of swellings and the affected sites were increasing in regular intervals. On ne needle aspiration, clear uid of water like consistency was obtained revealing cyst. The multiple cysts located in various parts of the body in the same animal were surgically excised without causing rupture of the cyst wall or spillage of the cystic uid. The dog reared by the same owner was dewormed after faecal sample analysis.
Key Words: Coenurus gaigeri, cyst, goat