409/18 | General Article | Livestock Production Management
Effect of Feeding Different Combinations of Urea Treated Sugarcane Top Silage on Milk Yield and its Composition in Murrah Buffaloes
P.A. Bodare, A.V. Khanvilkar, S.M. Bhalerao, S.T. Hande, A.Y. Doiphode and K.T. MuleDepartment of Livestock Production and Management, Krantisingh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science, MAFSU, Shirwal-412801, Dist-Satara, Maharashtra
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal June 2019 : 96 (6) - pages 18 to 20(Received: December, 2018, Accepted: March, 2019)
The present experimental study was undertaken in eighteen Murrah buffaloes for a period of thirteen weeks. The selected buffaloes were allotted randomly into three groups, with six animals in each group. The control group (T ) was maintained without replacement of green maize by sugarcane top silage, while in treatment groups the green Maize was replaced with sugarcane top silage on DMB @ 50 and 75 %, for T 1 and T groups, respectively. The experimental buffaloes were offered pelleted concentrate feed and jowar kadbi ( jowar dry fodder ) as routine practice of farm. The average daily milk yield of experimental Murrah buffaloes was r a n g e d f r o m 11.79 (T2) to 12.49 (T 0) kg per buffalo and was statistically non-significant. The fat corrected milk (FCM at 6% fat) yield r a n g e d f r o m 14.55 to 15.73 ( T ) kg per buffalo and results indicated non-significant effect. The average milk fat, milk protein, and solid not f a t w e r e a n a l y s e d a n d f o u n d non-significant among treatment groups. Thus, in present study inclusion of 50 % of sugarcane top silage in diet of lactating buffalo showed no deleterious effect on milk y i e l d and milk composition.
Key Words: Sugarcane top silage, Milk yield, Composition, Buffaloes