384/18 | Short Communication | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Endo parasitic Infection in a Captive Reticulated Python (Malayopython reticulatus) : a Case Report
S.Ramesh, K.Senthil Kumar, C.Soundararajan, Ruchika Lakshmanan, S.Subapriya and M.G.JayathangarajCentralized Instrumentation Laboratory, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai-600 007, Tamil Nadu.
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal April 2019 : 96 (4) - pages 80 to 81(Received: November, 2018, Accepted: November, 2018)
A reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) aged two and half years maintained at Snake Park, Guindy, Chennai with history of inappetance, dullness and watery foul smelling diarrhoea was referred to the Department of Wildlife Science, Madras Veterinary College. Microscopic examination of intestinal contents revealed presence of ascarid and strongyle eggs. The snake became normal and active after ten days post treatment with pyrantel pamoate @ 5 mg/kg orally.
Key Words: Python, ascarid, strongyle infection, report.