361/18 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Progressive Leg Paralysis and Lingering Death of Squabs Due to Mixed Parasitic Infestation
G.Dhanasree, Arun George and Usha Narayana PillaiDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy-680 651, Kerala
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal June 2019 : 96 (6) - pages 59 to 60(Received: October, 2018, Accepted: January, 2019)
Five squabs aged three weeks were presented with a history of leg weakness, greenish diarrhoea, difculty in standing, debility and muscle wasting. Leg paralysis and lingering death of several squabs occurred in the last two months.. The birds were diagnosed positive for pigeon malaria and intestinal coccidiosis. All the birds in the pigeon loft were given chloroquine, cotrimoxazole and nutritional supplements orally. All the squabs in the advanced stages of illness succumbed. The newly hatched squabs were monitored during the period of rst two months. The subsequent hatching of squabs were healthy after the treatment and sanitation and cleanliness of their premises.
Key Words: Squabs, Lingering death, Pigeon malaria, Coccidiosis