33/19 | General Article | Animal Nutrition

Wet Distillers Grain Solubles (WDGS) Production Performance in Cows

S.D. Changan, S.M. Bhalerao, A.V. Khanvilkar and V.U. Dhande

Department of Animal Nutrition, Krantisingh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science, MAFSU, Shirwal-412801, Dist-Satara (Maharashtra).

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal August 2019 : 96 (8) - pages 38 to 40
(Received: January, 2019, Accepted: April, 2019)


An experiment was conducted on twelve Holstein Friesian (HF) crossbred cows for a period of thirteen weeks. The experimental HF cows were allotted randomly into three groups, with four cows and were offered pelleted concentrate feed and maize silage to ful ll the requirement (as per ICAR, 2013). The control group (T0) was maintained without replacement of concentrate mixture by Wet Distillers Grain with Solubles (WDGS), while the concentrate feed was replaced with WDGS on dry matter basis @ 10 and 20 percent, in T1 and T2 groups, respectively. The observations on dry matter intake, milk yield of individual animal were recorded daily. Total cost of milk production (Rs/kg) was recorded as Rs.14.47/-, Rs.14.03/- and Rs.13.63/- in T0, T1 and T2 groups, respectively. The income per kg milk was calculated as Rs.23.68/-, Rs.23.59/- and Rs.23.76/- in T0, T1 and T2 groups, respectively. The pro t/kg milk production was calculated as Rs.9.14/-, Rs.9.65/- and Rs.10.02/- in T0, T1 and T2 groups, respectively. The result of the study indicated that, partial replacement of commercial concentrate mixture @ 20 % on dry matter basis was pro table in lactating crossbred cows which can be attributed to higher FCM yield and lowered feed cost compared to control group.

Key Words: WDGS, Milk yield, Economics, Cross bred cows.

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