366/18 | General Article | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Increasing the Carcasse Quality of Broilers by Feeding Citric Acid and Dextrose in Drinking Water
Sunaryo Hadi Warsito, Sri Hidanah, Suryo Kuncorojakti, Mirni Lamid, Herry Agoes Hermadi, M. Anam Al-Arif and Emy Koestanti, S.Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya-60115, Indonesia
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal April 2019 : 96 (4) - pages 11 to 13(Received: October, 2018, Accepted: December, 2018)
The use of citric acid in drinking water can suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and increase that of non-pathogenic. Dextrose is a monosaccharide from the end product of digestion of carbohydrates to produce energy. In this study, 15 days old 50 male broiler chickens were randomly divided into five treatment groups in the five replication of 2 chickens. Combination of citric acid -dextrose in drinking water could increase the percent yield of broiler carcasses and increased villi of duodenum and jejunum, but could not increase the ileal villi of broilers.
Key Words: citric acid, dextrose, small intestine villi, increase broilers