374/18 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Secondary Aspiration Pneumonia in a Calf
A.L. Mohammed Ismail, A. Gopalakrishnan, C.S. Arunaman, Mala Shammi, S. Kavitha, D. Sumathi, M.G. Jayathangaraj and Cecilia JosephDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Clinics and Veterinary Surgery, MVC, TANUVAS, Cennai-600 007, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal July, 2019 : 96 (7) - pages 63 to 64(Received: October, 2018, Accepted: January, 2019)
A one month old cross bred calf was brought to Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with history of regurgitation of undigested feed material and milk from both nostrils since its birth. Physical examination showed congested mucus membrane, pyrexia and dyspnea. Plain radiography revealed air lled dilated esophagus with alveolar pattern overlying and obscuring the caudal cardiac silhouette indicating aspiration. Contrast radiographs revealed dilated esophagus at the upper cervical and lower thoracic esophagus.The case was diagnosed as aspiration pneumonia due to congenital megaesophagus.
Key Words: Aspiration, Calf, Contrast radiography, Megaesophagus