188/22 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Surgical Management of Inguinal Hernia (Entero-Hysterocele) In a Non-Descript Female Dog
Sumanth Bedre, M, Shruti Caroline Gogia and Mukesh Kini, M.ASenior Task Force Veterinary Surgeon, Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) India, RDO trust complex, Aruvankadu (P.O.), Nilgiris – 643202, Tamilnadu, India
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2022 : 99 (9) - pages 88 to 90(Received: , Accepted: )
An eight-year-old intact, female,non-descript dog was presented with a history of swelling in the caudal abdomen. Clinical examination revealed an irreducible and non-painful mass in the left inguinal region.Based on the clinical examination and abdominal radiographs, a tentative diagnosis of inguinal hernia was made. Under general anesthesia, midline celiotomy was performed and the hernial contents were identified assmall intestine and uterus (entero-hysterocele). The hernia correction was made by herniorrhaphy and the primary hernia repair was reinforced with an onlay polypropylene meshtechnique. The dog made an uneventful recovery.
Key Words: Entero-hysterocele, Inguinal hernia, Herniorrhaphy