66/21 | Research Article | Poultry Science
Women Empowerment through Backyard Poultry Rearing – A case study from Kanchipuram District
P. Suresh KumarKrishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, (TANUVAS) Kattupakkam , Kanchipuram District – 603 203, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal February 2021: 98 (2) - pages 9 to 11(Received: December, 2021, Accepted: January, 2022)
Backyard poultry farming is an important subsidiary occupation for the rural people. The crossbred backyard poultry strain Nandanam chicken-I was introduced due to the improved production performance and increased income over traditional backyard poultry rearing. Women play a significant and crucial role in agricultural development and allied fields like livestock and poultry rearing activities. The rural women folk were provided with Nandanam chicken-I poultry birds, inputs and required capacity building to strengthen their livelihood and economic status. A unit of 30 Nandanam chicken-I (4 weeks old) was supplied as input in a Frontline Demonstration Programme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Kattupakkam, Kanchipuram District of Tamil Nadu, to the identified beneficiaries after deworming and vaccination against Ranikhet disease. The beneficiaries were selected based on their experience in Desi-Chicken rearing and trained on package of practices related to backyard poultry rearing through on campus and off campus training by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Kattupakkam. An economic analysis of a single women farmer proved substantial income with the provided inputs and documented as a case study.
Key Words: Backyard poultry, Nandanam chicken I, Women empowerment, Frontline Demonstration, Rural women,