333/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

Surgical Management of Large Chronic Penile Hematoma in a Bull – A Case Report

R. Uma Rani, A. Tamil Mahan and S. Senthilkumar

Veterinary University Training and Diagnostic Centre, TANUVAS, Thirupparankundram, Madurai – 625 005, Tamil Nadu.

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal February 2020: 97 (2) - pages 47 to 48
(Received: September, 2019, Accepted: November, 2019)


A 4 years old Jersey cross bred bull was presented with a history of discrete swelling near the scrotum for the past 25 days which developed after natural service. Based on the history, clinical and ultrasonographic examinations the case was diagnosed as chronic penile hematoma and was removed enmasse surgically under sedation and local inltration anaesthesia.

Key Words: Bull, Penile , Haematoma, surgical treatment.

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