31/21 | Research Article | Livestock Production Management

Effect of Azolla Feeding on Milk Production in Dairy Cows

P.Suresh Kumar

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli - 627358, Tamil Nadu

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal October 2020 : 97 (10) - pages 14 to 16
(Received: August, 2021, Accepted: September, 2021)


The study was conducted to know the effect of using Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as feed ingredient in dairy cows. The Azolla (Azolla pinnata) was cultivated by farmer in different sized plastic tubs in water. Animals were divided randomly into two equal groups; one group was fed on commercial concentrate feed (SKM) without Azolla supplementation and another group was fed with Azolla in commercial concentrate feed (SKM) at the ratio of 1:1 (1.5 kg Azolla + 1.5 kg commercial concentrate feed (SKM). All the animals were monitored daily for milk yield during the period of supplementation. The animals were maintained under proper managemental conditions. Animals were duly vaccinated and dewormed. Animals were milked twice daily (5 am and 5 pm) by full hand milking. Milk yield was measured by milk measuring pails. Register was maintained for recording for individual cows performance. Azolla fed group showed a significant (P<0.005) increase upto 10.43 % in milk production.

Key Words: Azolla, dairy cows, milk production, feeding.

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