194/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Intralipids for the Management of Ivermectin Toxicity in a Dog
M.Shiju Simon, A Methai, N. Pazhanivel and K. KrishnakumarVeterinary University Periheral Hospital, Madhavaram Milk Colony, TANUVAS, Chennai - 600 051, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal November 2019 : 96 (11) - pages 68 to 69(Received: May, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)
A seven years old spitz cross bred intact female dog weighing 7.8 kg was presented with the history of apparent blindness after being exposed to ivermectin 10 mg tablet previous day. Opthalmic examination revealed negative menace response, pupillary light and dazzle re ex on both the eyes. Fundic examination revealed small areas of linear retinol edema. The animal was administered with 50 ml of 20 per cent intralipid intravenously. Two-and-half hours after the administration of intralipid the animal slowly regains the pupillary light re ex. The animal regains its normal menace and papillary light re ex after 12 hours
Key Words: Dog, ivermectin toxicity, blindness, intralipids