227/19 | General Article | Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Progesterone Prole of Dairy Cows which Experienced the Failure of Pregnancy to Articial Insemination (AI)
Sri P.Madyawati, IsnainiFadilah, Trilas Sardjito, Mas’ud Hariadi, Pudji Srianto, Suherni Susilowati and Erma SatriFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, UniversitasAirlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal December 2019 : 96 (12) - pages 27 to 30(Received: June, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)
The aim of study was to know the prole of progesterone in milk samples of dairy cows that experienced after pregnancy failure AI. Milk samples of fteen AI failure dairy cows were taken on days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 (day 0 = estrus). Progesterone analysis was performed by ELISA method. On day 7th and 14th progesterone concentrations has increased in all cows, on 21th day the levels were decreased in 3 cows and they returned to estrous, while in 12 cows the progesterone levels were high
Key Words: Dairy cow, Progesterone, Estrous cycle, Arti cial insemination