247/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Surgical Management of Immature Ocular Setariasis in a Kid
A.R.Ninu, S.Dharmaceelan, S.Kokila, K.Dhandapani and T.AnnaDepartment of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Tirunelveli 627 358, Tamil Nadu.
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal February 2020: 97 (2) - pages 46 to 47(Received: July, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)
An immature Setaria species eye worm was retrieved surgically under regional nerve block from the right eye of a ve month old male kid. Clinical signs like unilateral corneal opacity and blindness were recorded
Key Words: Goat, Immature ocular setariasis