201/19 | General Article | Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
Therapy of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell (RBM-MSC) at White Rattusnorvegicus Induced Carbon Black against VEGF Expression
Bodhi Agustono, Sri PantjaMadyawati, Rimayanti and WidjiatiAnimal Husbandry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya 60286, East Java Indonesia
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal December 2019 : 96 (12) - pages 25 to 27(Received: May, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)
This study aims to prove the effectiveness of RBM-MSC therapy to reduce the expression of Vascular Endhotel Growth Factor in carbon black-induced white Rattus norvegicus. This study used 48 female rats divided into 2 treatment groups with different ages pregnancy in 8 replications. This study was induced with a carbon black dose of 532mg/m3and treated with RBM-MSC dose 1x106 cells/0.1ml intravenously. The results of the study of induction of carbon black at days 6-11 and days 6-17 showed differences in the VEGF expression between the control and treatment groups. The conclusion of this study has not been able to reduce the expression of VEGF, because shorter times optimally for RBM-MSC.
Key Words: Carbon black, (VEGF), (RBM-MSC) – rat.