04/21 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Surgical Management of Cystorrhexis due to Urolithiasis by Tube Cystostomy in a Buffalo Calf
Mohsin S VahoraAmul Dairy, Anand-388001,Gujarat
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal October 2020 : 97 (10) - pages 23 to 26(Received: January, 2021, Accepted: September, 2021)
A three month old surti buffalo male calf was diagnosed to have obstructive urolithiasis based on the history of anuria, clinical signs and physical examination. Tube cystostomy was performed under lumbo sacralnerve block Routinely post-operative antibiotic, analgesic and urinary acidifier ammonium chloride were given. The tube was removed on 12th postoperative day. Animal started normal urination and had an uneventful recovery.
Key Words: Urolithiasis, Calf, Foley’s catheter, Tube Cystostomy