157/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Poultry Science

The Effect of Feeding High Level of Protein on Reproductive Performance of Bali Starling

Mas’ud Hariadi, Budi Utomo, Herry A. Hermadi, Rezha S.W. Hadi, Alfian Zulfahmi and Erma Safitri

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal October 2019 : 96 (10) - pages 48 to 50
(Received: April, 2019, Accepted: May, 2019)


Bali Starling naturally found in the western part of Bali Island, is a critically endangered species. The research aim was to improve their reproductive performance of egg production and hatcthability by feeding various levels of protein. Twelve pairs of Bali starling were divided into 4 treatment groups i.e C (control, commercial feed); T1 (protein 17%); T2 (protein 18%); T3 (protein 19%). Feed were made from combinations of Gryllus mitratus, Oecophylla smaragdina’s egg, Musa acuminata balbisiana, Zea maize, Arachis Hypogaea, Glycine max, Vigna radiate and  sh powder. The result showed T3: 19% protein had better result for egg production and hatchability

Key Words: Bali starling, Fertility, Hatchability, Reproductive perfomance

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