143/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
A Case Report of Babesia gibsoni in Dog and its Therapeutic Management
Prabhavathy Harikrishnan, C.Jayanthi and M.Ranjith KumarDepartment of Clinics, Madras Veterinary College, Vepery, Chennai – 60007, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal December 2019 : 96 (12) - pages 57 to 59(Received: April, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)
Canine babesiosis is a common tick transmitted disease of dogs worldwide. Clinical manifestations of acute infection include fever, haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, Spleenomegaly and sometimes death, whereas chronic infections are often asymptomatic. A female Daschund aged 1 year was presented with the history of vomition and inappetance with temperature of 102.7F and Icteric mucous membrane. Clinical examination revealed Icteric mucous membrane and Spleenomegaly. Haematology revealed Thrombocytopenia, leucopoenia with positive for Babesia gibsoni and biochemistry reveled elevated Creatinine and ALP level. Treatment started with triple therapy of Clindamycin @25mg/kg po q 12h. Metronidazole @ 15 mg/ Kg PO q 12h and Doxycycline 2 5 mg/Kg and haematological improvement from, 4th day treatment onwards and recovered unevenfully by the end of therapeutic protocol.
Key Words: B.gibsoni, Triple therapy.