58/21 | General Article | Livestock Production Management
Supplementation of Mineral Mixture on Growth and Reproductive Performance of Tellicherry Goats
P. Suresh KumarVeterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli - 627358, Tamil Nadu, India
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal November 2020: 97 (11) - pages 25 to 27(Received: October, 2021, Accepted: October, 2021)
A trial was conducted in Tellicherry goats to find out the effect of mineral mixture supplimentation for 90 days. Fourteen Tellicherry kids of 4-5 months of age were selected from goat farm at Thambiranpatti in Perambalur district and divided into two groups, seven in each. Goats in group I were supplemented with 100g of concentrate feed without mineral mixture and kept as control and goats in group II were supplemented with 100 g of concentrate feed with 2% mineral mixture. The body weight (BW) was recorded at specific time intervals. Study revealed that final body weight as well as average daily gain (ADG) in three months were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the mineral supplemented group. Age at maturity of control and treatment groups were 222.50 ± 5.74, and 192.50 ± 6.29 days, respectively and the difference was significantly varied.
Key Words: Growth performance, Reproductive performance, Age at maturity, Mineral mixture, Tellicherry goat.