402/18 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

Rectal Transmissible Venereal Tumor in a Dog

M. Shiju Simon and N. Pazhanivel

Simon Pet Speciality Clinic, No 1, Krishnamoorthy Nagar, Chennai 600 118, Tamil Nadu

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal July, 2019 : 96 (7) - pages 59 to 61
(Received: November, 2018, Accepted: January, 2019)


A three-and-a-half year old intact female Chipiparai dog was presented with the history of bleeding mass protruding from the anus since a week. Cytological examination of the mass conrmed the tumour as transmissible venereal tumor. Vincristine sulfate was administered weekly @ 0.025 mg/kg, BW, intravenously for four weeks and the animal had an uneventful recovery.

Key Words: Chippiparai dog, Transmissible venereal tumor, rectal tumour, extragenital TVT.

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