103/19 | General Article | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Detection of Antibiotic Residue in Broiler Chicken Meat at Traditional Market in Surabaya City, Indonesia
Shelly Wulandari, Diyantoro and OkySetyo WidodoDepartment of Health Science, Faculty of Vocational Studies, UniversitasAirlangga, Campus B Surabaya, East Java 60286, Indonesia
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2019 : 96 (09) - pages 47 to 48(Received: May, 2019, Accepted: May, 2019)
This study was carried out to detect the antibiotic residue in broiler chicken meat at traditional markets in Surabaya city, Indonesia. Thirty chicken breast samples were collected from six traditional markets distributed in the study area. Bioassay method was used for screening test of penicillin, tetracycline, macrolide and aminoglycoside residues. A total of 6 (20%) samples were positive for antibiotic residues, 5 (17%) of them were from tetracycline group and followed by 1 (3%) from penicillin group. The results showed the presence of antibiotic residues in chicken meat samples.
Key Words: antibiotic residue, bioassay, chicken meat