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Substituting Chrome Tanner with Mangrove (Rhizophorasp.) Bark Extract Improves Tanning of Parrotsh (Scarus sp.) Leather

Uliah Adi Saputri, Laksmi Sulmartiwi and Annur Ahadi Abdillah

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia.

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal February 2020: 97 (2) - pages 41 to 42
(Received: July, 2019, Accepted: October, 2019)


Tanning is a process done to change raw skin into more stable tanned leather. Combination tanning is done in two stages. The  rst stage uses mineral materials followed by vegetable materials. The objectives of this study was to  nd out the effect of the combination of chrome tanner and Rhizopora sp. bark extract on the tanned leather of parrot sh. The results of this study indicated that the best tanning in parrot sh leather is at the concentration of 2 % chromium and 6% mangrove . The results showed of tensile strength, tear strength, elongation, and shrinkage temperature of 150.05 kgf / cm2, 30.55kgf / cm, 26.88, and 72.55oC, respectively

Key Words: Parrot sh, Leather tanning, Chrome, Mangrove extract

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