252/19 | General Article | Veterinary Anatomy and Histology
Substituting Chrome Tanner with Mangrove (Rhizophorasp.) Bark Extract Improves Tanning of Parrotsh (Scarus sp.) Leather
Uliah Adi Saputri, Laksmi Sulmartiwi and Annur Ahadi AbdillahFaculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia.
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal February 2020: 97 (2) - pages 41 to 42(Received: July, 2019, Accepted: October, 2019)
Tanning is a process done to change raw skin into more stable tanned leather. Combination tanning is done in two stages. The rst stage uses mineral materials followed by vegetable materials. The objectives of this study was to nd out the effect of the combination of chrome tanner and Rhizopora sp. bark extract on the tanned leather of parrot sh. The results of this study indicated that the best tanning in parrot sh leather is at the concentration of 2 % chromium and 6% mangrove . The results showed of tensile strength, tear strength, elongation, and shrinkage temperature of 150.05 kgf / cm2, 30.55kgf / cm, 26.88, and 72.55oC, respectively
Key Words: Parrot sh, Leather tanning, Chrome, Mangrove extract