Review Article | Wild Life Sciences
Review on Wildlife Diseases
M.G.Jayathangaraj, G.Das and M.RamanDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, CAU, Jalukie, Nagaland
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal July 2022 : 99 (7) - pages 16 to 23(Received: , Accepted: )
The role and significance of wildlife-livestock interfaces in disease ecology has largely been neglected, despite the recent interests in animals especially wild fauna as origins of many of the emerging diseases in humans, as indicated by Wiethoelter et al (2015). Wildlife diseases have gained an appreciable momentum in the recent years due to the complex-linkage with zoonosis, conflicts between wild fauna and homo sapiens in an ascending manner, environmental health care measures etc. Due to this, considerable pressure is there on zoo veterinarians or the field veterinarians working in free ranging areas of forests like national parks, wildlife sanctuaries etc. Wildlife populations in any country are under huge pressure now a days due to the human-borne threats, environmental hazards including the natural disasters, climatic change in extremes, varying pathogenicity of the pathogens, compromised immune status in wild fauna due to the multifaceted etiological factors etc.
Key Words: Wildlife, Diseases