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Postpartum Completeuterine Prolapse in a Doe - A Case Report
N.V.V. Hari Krishna and G.S. HarithaDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Complex, NTR College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Gannavaram – 521 102, A.P., India
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal August 2020 : 97 (8) - pages 38 to 39(Received: June, 2020, Accepted: August, 2020)
A case of post-parturient complete uterine prolapse in a goat eight hours after kidding a female kid, by applying mild traction was presented for treatment. The everted uterine mass was carefully examined, cleaned with antiseptic solution and was replaced manually under epidural anesthesia and vulval retention sutures were applied. The animal recovered uneventfully.
Key Words: Postpartum, Uterine prolapse, Goat, Successful reposition