206/19 | General Article | Poultry Science

Comparative Performance of Tanuvas Aseel, Gramapriya and Indigenous Desi Bird under Backyard Condition in Dharmapuri District

R.Thangadurai and P.S.Shanmugam

Tamilnadu Agricultural University, ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dharmapuri-636809, TamilNadu

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal December 2019 : 96 (12) - pages 33 to 35
(Received: June, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)


Backyard poultry production in India is practiced since time immemorial which was the primary source of animal protein and supplementary income for the down trodden rural poor backyard poultry is the only source of poultry egg and meat for city dwellers before poultry industrialization. The growth and production performance of three chicken varieties viz, Gramapriya, Aseel and local were evaluated in the present study by KVK, Dharmapuri in rural areas during 2018-2019.The body weights signicantly varies in Gramapriya, Aseel than local variety. The body weight was signicantly higher in Gramapriya and Aseel than local variety. The comparative estimate of egg production revealed that egg production for Gramapriya is comparatively higher than Aseel followed by local variety. Performance of improved variety under backyard condition of Dharmapuri district was found satisfactory and the birds were well adapted to local agro climatic condition under free range system of production. The introduction of new varieties to the backyard poultry increases the income of the farmer families which paves way for the sustainable livestock in the rural areas

Key Words: TANUVAS Aseel, Gramapriya, Performance

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