192/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Animal Genetics and Breeding
Cutaneous Streptothricosis in a Jersey Cross Bred Cow and its Therapeutic Management
S.Saravanan and K.M. PalanivelDepartment of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Veterinary College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Namakkal - 637 002, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal December 2019 : 96 (12) - pages 48 to 49(Received: May, 2019, Accepted: September, 2019)
A ve years old Jersey cow was presented with exudative dermatitis on its all four lower limbs and lameness. Dermatophilus congolensis was identied as the bacterial pathogen which showed sensitivity to ceftriaxone cum sulbactum, gentamicin and enrooxacin and the case positively responded to the treatment
Key Words: Exudative dermatitis, D. congolensis, antibiotic sensitivity; treatment