99/22 | Review Article | Livestock Production Management

Feed Additives and their Multiple Beneficial Effects in Sheep Production and Health

Hana’a Burezq

Desert Agriculture and Ecosystems Program, Environment and Life Sciences Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 24885 Safat 13109, Kuwait

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2022 : 99 (9) - pages 26 to 54
(Received: , Accepted: )


In the recent times, the expanding concern on increased quality feed costs and colonization of pathogens in animal ‘guts proposed feed additives as the most significant option for cost effective anti-infection agents in domesticated animals. Feed additives are materials encompassed in animal feed to enhance the feed value, augmenting the quality of animal products, improving animal performance and health by enriched digestibility of feed materials. They are non-nutritive material amended with feed to enhance efficiency of utilization and acceptance, metabolism and health of the animal. They are added to ruminant feed to enhance digestion, promote growth, increase palatability, and maintain rumen atmosphere e. A wide range of feed additives were utilized in veterinary sciences belonging to various classes, that contributes their own biological and economic benefits. Majority of the added substances are viewed safe for addition, but their toxicity to livestock must be checked deliberately. Before the addition of additives to the diet, their adverse effects should be checked by continuous experimentation. The review highlights the various additive types that are available for concern in diets of domesticated animals, mode of actions and means to incorporate the research feasibilities in animal growth, performance and digestibility.

Key Words: livestock, sheep, feed additives, ration, meat, milk, production health

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