35/21 | General Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Haemato-biochemical Changes During Guided Tissue Regeneration with β-Tri Calcium Phosphate and Platelet Rich Plasma for Fracture Healing in Dogs
Randhir Singh, V.P. Chandrapuria, Apra Shahi, M.K. Bhargava, Madhu Swamy and Mohan Singh ThakurDepartment of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Jabalpur
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal November 2020: 97 (11) - pages 9 to 13(Received: August, 2021, Accepted: October, 2021)
The study was conducted on 19 adult dogs referred for treatment of fracture in diaphyseal region of long bones, viz, radius-ulna, femur and tibia-fibula. These dogs were divided randomly into three groups viz T1, T2 and T3. In group T1, the diaphyseal fractures of the long bones were immobilized by an internal fixation technique using reconstruction plate or locking compression plate. In group T2, the diaphyseal fractures were immobilized using an internal fixation technique using a reconstruction plate or a locking compression plate. β-tricalcium phosphate granules were incorporated at fracture site. In group T3, the stable internal fixation of fracture fragments was achieved and β-TCP was filled in a cylinder of composite mesh. One milliliter of PRP was administered locally at fracture site just before closing the first suture line.
Key Words: fracture, guided tissue regeneration and β-tri-calcium phosphate