379/18 | Short Communication | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

Theileriosis in Pattanam Sheep and its Therapeutic Management

K.Jayalakshmi, M.Venkatesan, M.Veeraselvam, S.Yogeshpriya and P.Selvaraj

Veterinary College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Orathanadu-614 625, Tamil Nadu

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal July, 2019 : 96 (7) - pages 73 to 74
(Received: October, 2018, Accepted: March, 2019)


Three young male pattanam sheep were presented with fever, salivation, erosive lesions on dental pad and bi-lateral enlargement of prescapular lymph node. The peripheral blood smears found to be positive for Theileria sp. The faecal samples were positive for Strongylid sp egg. The haematological analysis revealed macrocytic normochromic anaemia. All animals were treated with single dose of inj. Buparvaquone @ 2.5 mg/ kg i/m and single dose of Closantel oral suspension @1.0 ml/10 kg b.wt p/o along with supportive therapy. Post therapeutic haemato-biochemical analysis revealed improvement in Hb, PCV and RBC count. All animals recovered uneventfully.

Key Words: Theileria sp, Management, Sheep

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