215/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Anatomy and Histology
A Rare Case of Rectal Prolapse in Synchrony with Jejunal Intussusception in A Kitten
M. Madeena Begum and V. BhuvaneshwariHeart2heart Veterinary Hospital, No.3, Leith Castle Center Street, Santhome, Chennai-600028, Tamil Nadu.
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal January 2020: 97 (1) - pages 53 to 54(Received: June, 2019, Accepted: July, 2019)
A three months old female domestic short hair breed cat was brought to the hospital for prolapsed intestinal mass from the rectum. Animal had a previous history of rectal prolapse and which was treated by perianal pursestring suture at the age of two months. On clinical examination the condition was diagnosed as rectal prolapse. Pre-operative blood was collected for haematological examination. The animal was stabilized with intravenous uid therapy and midventral celiotomy was performed. The condition was conrmed as rectal prolapse and jejunal intussusception. Rectal prolapse was corrected and colopexy was done. Intussusception was manually corrected and noble plication was done to prevent recurrence. Post-operatively the animal was maintained with intravenous uid and antibiotic therapy for three days and seven days respectively. Skin sutures were removed on 7th post-operative day and the animal made an uneventful recovery
Key Words: Rectal prolapse, Jejunal intussusception, Cat.