169/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Medical Management of Cellulitis of Limb in a Mule
Aneesh. A and Nitin Sheoran17 Mobile Field Veterinary Hospital, C/O 99 APO, 902717
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal October 2019 : 96 (10) - pages 62 to 65(Received: May, 2019, Accepted: July, 2019)
A 15 year old mule was presented to the hospital with cellulitis of right hind leg. It had a history of sudden onset of swelling of right hind limb which started from fetlock joint and spread upto hip joint with lameness.The mule was not putting its weight on right hind limb and was preferring to lie down to avoid weight bearing on three limbs.Leukocytosis was observed on haematological examination and radiographic examination ruled out fracture.The mule was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics, steroids, NSAIDS, local dressing along with pressure bandage.
Key Words: Cellulitis, Lameness, Leukocytosis