55/21 | General Article | Animal Nutrition
Effect of Non-Genetic Factors on Production and Reproduction Traits in Red Sindhi Cattle Maintained at Organised Farm
U.S. Gaikwad, S.A. Dhage, M.G. Mote and R.B ShendeDivision of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, College of Agriculture, Pune – 411 005, Maharashtra
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal November 2020: 97 (11) - pages 19 to 25(Received: September, 2021, Accepted: October, 2021)
Red Sindhi, the important milch breed of cattle is maintained at Division of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, College of Agriculture, Dhule, Pune (M.H). The data on production and reproduction traits of Red Sindhi cows were collected from the history cum pedigree sheets for the period of 25 years (1991 to 2015). The collected data were divided into different groups based on calving period, climatic conditions and lactation order. In order to overcome non-orthogonality of the data due to unequal sub-class frequencies, least squares techniques (Harvey, 1990) was used to estimate the effect of different factors on production and reproduction traits of Red Sindhi cows. Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) as modified by Kramer (1957) was used to make pair wise comparison among the least squares means for the significant effect. The overall least square means for production and reproduction traits viz., LMY (kg), 300 DMY (kg), PMY (kg), LL (days), AFC (days), SP (days) and CI (days) were 1892.57 ± 43.16 kg, 1878.22 ± 46.35 kg, 9.56 ± 0.14, kg, 305.84 + 5.80 days, 1359.02 ± 28.83 (days), 94.36 ± 6.29 (days), 384.49 ± 7.62 (days),respectively in Red Sindhi Cows. The significant (P < 0.01, P<0.05) effect of period of calving was observed on all production and reproduction traits under study except SP. However, the effect of season of calving and lactation order had found non-significant effect on all the traits under study. The lactation order significantly influences the LL, while
Key Words: Red Sindhi cow, Non-Genetic Factor, Production traits, Reproduction traits