Research Article | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Acellular Matrices for Hernioplasty of Caudal Perineal Hernias in Dogs
Dayamon D. Mathew, Ashok K. Sharma, Naveen Kumar, Vineet Kumar, and Swapan K. MaitiDivision of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly - 243122, Uttar Pradesh, India
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal March 2022 : 99 (3) - pages 7 to 9(Received: , Accepted: )
Two dogs (Spitz and Bhotia breeds) were presented with perineal swelling. The swellings were clinically diagnosed as perineal hernias. Surgical exploration in Spitz dog revealed herniation of rectum with deviation, whereas in Bhotia, the hernia contents were prostate gland with urinary bladder.The hernia was between the levator ani, external anal sphincter, and internal obturator muscles in both cases. Acellular matrices were used for reconstructing the hernias (hernioplasty). Along with hernioplasty, castration was also performed in both cases. The use of acellular matrices proved to be a useful method for the reconstruction of the pelvic diaphragm in dogs.
Key Words: Caudal perineal hernia; Acellular dermal matrix; Acellular diaphragm matrix; Hernioplasty