272/19 | General Article | Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine

Antigenotoxic Effect of Nano-quercetin on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene Induced Genotoxocity in Sprague Dawley Rats

S.Shahana, R.Madheswaran, P.Balachandran, A.Arivuchelvan and G.A.Balasubramaniam

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal – 637 002, Tamil Nadu.

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal December 2019 : 96 (12) - pages 35 to 37
(Received: July, 2019, Accepted: August, 2019)


Agents that inhibit DNA adduct formation, stimulate DNA repair mechanisms and possess antioxidant functions are considered antigenotoxic agents. An investigation was undertaken as the antigenotoxic effect of quercetin and nanoquercetin against 7,12 dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) induced genotoxicity by analysing the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs). Elevated MnPCEs frequency was observed in DMBA group. Treatment with quercetin and nano-quercetin reduced the frequency of micronucleus formation. It was demonstrated that nano-quercetin reduced the micronucelus frequency against DMBA induced genotoxicity in the female Sprague Dawley rats

Key Words: Nano-quercetin, DMBA, micronucleus, genotoxiciy

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