229/18 | Clinical & Field Article | Wild Life Sciences
Therapeutic Management of Gastroenteritis in Fawn of Four-Horned Antelope (Tetracerus Quadricornis)
Ranjeet Harne, Shivam Jar and Amol RokdeSchool of Wildlife Forensic and Health, NDVSU, Jabalpur - 482001, Madhya Pradesh.
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal May 2019 : 96 (5) - pages 66 to 68(Received: June, 2018, Accepted: November, 2018)
Gastroenteritis is one of the major cause of fawn mortality. The present clinical report describes unusual ndings, diagnosis and successful management in a fawn of four-horned antelope (Tetracerus Quadricornis). The fawn suffered from severe gastroenteritis, blotted belly, anorexia and recumbent since 2-3 days. The clinical sign includes dullness with frequent vocalization due to colic. The animal recovered uneventfully by therapeutic management.
Key Words: Gastroenteritis, four-horned antelope