202/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Poultry Science
Impact Study of Frontline Demonstration (FLD) on Efficacy of Oral Pellet Vaccine (D58) in Namakkal Chicken-1 in Backyard System of Poultry Rearing in Tiruvannamalai District
R. Durairajan, R.Rajkumar, S. Rajalaksmi and J. John KirubaharanVeterinary University Training and Research Centre, TANUVAS, Tiruvannamalai-606 604, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal March 2020: 97 (3) - pages 61 to 62(Received: May, 2019, Accepted: November, 2019)
Oral pellet vaccine at the dose rate of one grain orally was dispensed to one month old Namakkal chickens-1 and 0 day, 21 days post vaccination blood sample in lter paper was collected for titre estimation using Haemagglutination inhibition test (HI). TANUVAS D58 oral pellet ND vaccine in the present study elicited protective antibody titre without interfering production and weight gain.
Key Words: Namakkal Chicken-1, Oral pellet vaccine, Backyard poultry