157/22 | Research Article | Livestock Production Management
A Study of Growth and Instability in Production and Consumption of meat in South Asia Region
Abdul Wahid and S. K. SrivastavaDepartment of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University, Kunar province, Afghanistan
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2022 : 99 (9) - pages 64 to 68(Received: , Accepted: )
This study examined growth and instability of production and consumption of meat in different countries of South Asia region from 2000 to 2017. In South Asia region, Maldives registered highest annual compound growth rate of 10.36 per cent, in meat consumption, while lowest CAGR is observed in Afghanistan (1.66 per cent), per annum. Meat production grew at CAGR Pakistan (4.87 per cent), whereas, lowest CAGR was observed in Maldives (0.22 per cent). Meat production grew (3.20 and 2.06 per cent) more than that of consumption(3.03 and 2.90 per cent) only in India and Nepal, respectively. All the countries, of South Asia region exhibited low instability in both meat production and consumption during 2000 to 2017.
Key Words: South Asia, meat production, meat consumption, growth and instability