153/22 | Research Article | Livestock Production Management
Housing Management Practices of Buffaloes in Yanam Region of Puducherry
K.Prasanthi, D. Sreekumar, V.Rajaganapathy, R.Ganesan and K.NatchimuthuDepartment of Livestock Production and Management, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry-605009
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal October 2022 : 99 (10) - pages 43 to 46(Received: , Accepted: )
A study was carried out to find out the housing management practices of buffaloes in Yanam region, Union Territory (UT) of Puducherry. A total of 150 respondents selected at random for the study. The study revealed that 88.0 per cent of the farmers housed buffaloes in kutcha type sheds with thatched type of roof (74.8%) and with mud flooring (89.4%). Majority of the buffalo sheds were oriented in east to west direction. Manger was provided by (85.3%) of the respondents. Majority of the respondents did not follow proper drainage system. Majority of the buffalo farmers were heaping dung on the land and further used as farm yard manure. Proper ventilation facility was observed in the buffalo sheds. The study suggested that improving knowledge on housing management among the buffalo farmers of Yanam region would result in better buffalo management leading to better livelihood.
Key Words: buffalo, management, manger, ventilation, drainage