178/22 | Short Communication | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Case Report on Post-Mortem and Ante-Mortem Findings of Snakebite in Cows Bitten by Cobra and Krait
Omesh Kumar Bharti, Anil Kumar Sharma, and Rajeev SharmaDepartment of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh, India
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal August 2022: 99 (8) - pages 69 to 71(Received: , Accepted: )
In this article we are reporting postmortem findings involving hemorrhages of all the vital organs due to cobra bite in a Holstein cow and ante-mortem findings involving neuro-muscular symptoms in a jersey cow which was bitten by common krait
Key Words: Cobra bite in cow, India, Krait bite in cow, Snake bite, One Health