101/19 | Clinical & Field Article | Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Gall Bladder Affections in Dogs - A Retrospective Study
D.Sumathi, P.Ramesh, K.Jeyaraja, M.Ranjith Kumar and M.G.JayathangarajDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai-600 007, Tamil Nadu
Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal September 2019 : 96 (09) - pages 72 to 74(Received: March, 2019, Accepted: June, 2019)
Fifty seven dogs were found to have various gall bladder abnormalities upon abdominal ultrasonography during the period of July 2017 to September 2018 with 3.39% incidence of cases referred to ultrasound unit. Labrador retriever, Spitz, Non-descriptive and Pug were represented more with an incidence of 17.5%, 15.8%, 14.0% and 8.8% respectively. Male dogs was affected more (63.16%) than female dogs (36.84%) with mean age of six and half years. Cholecystitis ( 52.6%), cholecystolith (21.1%), gall bladder sludge (14.0%), mucocoele (3.5%), gall bladder mass (1.7%) and biliary obstruction (7.0%) were signicant gall bladder abnormalities observed during abdominal ultrasonography. Concurrent hepatic parenchymal abnormalities during ultrasonographic evaluation was seen in 40.35% dogs.
Key Words: Cholecystitis, Cholecystoliths, Gall bladder, Ultrasonography