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A Clinical Case Report of Mastitis Metritis Agalactia Syndrome in a Sow

D. Divyalakshmi, N. Kumarvelu, S.Usha and P. Tensingh Gnanaraj

Department of Livestock Production Management, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-600007

Published in the Indian Veterinary Journal July 2020: 97 (7) - pages 41 to 42
(Received: February, 2020, Accepted: April, 2020)


Pig rearing is one of the economical enterprises in meat industry due to its short gestational period and ability to litter reasonable number of piglets. But the occurrence of Mastitis Metritis Agalactia syndrome causes considerable losses due to insufficient milk production and has a bearing on the reproductive life of the sow. This is often developed due to bacterial infection in the urogenital tract at the time of farrowing. In this present case a sow which farrowed 12 piglets showed swelling in the teats and mammary gland with purulent discharge from the vulva. Small petechial haemorrhages which advanced to patchy haemorrhages in the rump and mammary glands were evidenced. This was symptomatically diagnosed as Mastitis Metritis Agalactia syndrome. The treatment was continued with Enrofloxacin, Flunixin Meglumine and Oxytocin with reasonable success

Key Words: Farrowing, Mastitis Metritis Agalactia, Sow

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